1 min readOct 10, 2017


“What about communities and nations voting on progressive tax rates?”

I tried to explain to you why I think certain individual rights should be outside the realm of democracy. I drew a parallelism with the rights of transsexual people. I also gave you a plausible scenario where a majority of citizens can, through “democratic” means, do pretty much whatever they want with the property of a tiny minority of very wealthy individuals.

I give you back your own question, with variants, for you to defend that democracy is always the best way to decide about social issues: what about communities and nations voting to impose sex re-education on gay people / to abolish religions / to ban all expressions of ‘black humour’ / etc?

“You’d do what they do now, which is seize control over the political system to keep everyone else down.”

That’s called corruption, or crony capitalism, and it’s bad. I think we agree in condemning that, and supporting prosecution and tough sentences.

“Maybe they shouldn’t have so much more than everyone else in the first place?”

Again: what is your moral argument to deprive people who are extremely productive or talented from their extremely high earnings?

“You don’t like democracy, I get it.”

That’s a dishonest misrepresentation of my position. I would not say to you “you don’t like money, I get it” — or “you don’t like people who are more successful in life than you, I get it”.



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